Oh Shit, My Baby is Breech!

Oh Shit, My Baby is Breech!

Just this past week I had a woman come to me as a new patient. She was two weeks postpartum and had some serious back pain.

Upon consulting with her, it was revealed that her left lower back pain had begun during her pregnancy (probably around months four or five). The current pain in her lower back was almost identical to the pain she experienced during her pregnancy.

Upon further investigation, I found out the new mom had a cesarean section because her baby presented as breech. The only thing the woman had done to address the breech presentation was acupuncture.

This situation with this new mother is all too familiar. There are many women out there that have babies that present as breech and end up with cesarean sections. I don’t know the percentages or numbers but I guarantee A LOT of these cesarean sections can be prevented.

Babies love to move around. They freely move around within the mother’s belly up until 30-32 weeks. By about the 32nd week in pregnancy, the baby has grown, and the space in which the baby moves around has become limited; therefore, the baby doesn’t move as much.

At around 31-32 weeks of pregnancy, one in three babies present as breech. Between weeks 34-36 most babies will turn head down. By birth, only about 3-4% of babies are breech.

Not the end of the world. Except for the fact, that the skill of delivering a breech baby is disappearing in the medical profession. In our modern, highly institutionalized and sterile, American society there very few (think like 1-2 in Los Angeles) that are skilled in breech delivery. As a result, having a breech vaginal birth is almost not an option.

Delivering a breech baby is no longer a skill taught in medical schools across the United States. Doctors and midwives can and should use a criteria to determine if a woman is a good candidate for breech vaginal delivery. Dr. Karin Blakemore, of Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, said, ”There are well-known criteria for a safe vaginal breech birth.”

The real negative tone-setter for the breech situation came from the Term Breech Trial. This study, published in 2000, concluded that it’s better for a women to have a planned cesarean than a vaginal breech birth. This study was conducted only by ObGyns in a hospital setting.

Let me repeat. It was a cold, fluorescent environment. There were no midwives, no home births, and far too much drug and machine intervention. The women were wired up and flat on their back in a bed from the get go.

Not a desired situation to give birth if you ask me.

Enough with the history lesson.

A large amount of babies, 96-99%, will turn head down prior to birth. Yes, even in the last couple of weeks and days. The baby has an even high percentage of going head down when looking at full term pregnancies.

When, and if, a baby does not turn head down on his or her own, the reasoning can be for one of two reasons- structural or functional.

Structural reasons could be things like uterine malformations, fibroids, fetal abnormalities, multiple births, or even the location of the placenta.

Functional causes can include fixated lumbar spine and/or sacroiliac joints, hypertonic hip flexors and gluteus muscles that are not allowing the pelvis to expand naturally, and any other musculoskeletal issue that does not allow the pelvis to function dynamically.

I, along with many other chiropractors and healers, address the functional causes of breech. So, if your baby is breech, don’t stress. In fact, stress can be about the worst thing you can do.

Yes, bring your attention to the situation and start to research your options. Bring awareness to the situation, and be proactive. The sooner you start to address the situation the higher chance the baby has at flipping.

What to do:

• VISUALIZE and TALK. Spend a few minutes every day visualizing your baby turning. Spend time with your baby and talk to him/her. Let them know that it is okay to turn.

• SOFT TISSUE THERAPY & CHIROPRACTIC. A chiropractor can balance the muscles, release ligament tension in the pelvis, and deliver adjustments to the set the body up for optimal structural alignment. This allows for your pelvis to function dynamically while walking and even during labor and delivery. An optimal, dynamically functioning pelvis allows your baby the most room to move.

• Acupuncture. Moxibustion is a treatment offered by many acupuncturists. It is the process of burning an herbal incense around your little toes. This process stimulates movement in the baby almost immediately.

• Posture. Pay attention to the way you sit, stand, walk, dance, etc. Try not to lean to one hip when standing. Stand up tall. Now is the time to practice symmetry.

• Essential oils. I’ve heard really positive feedback from women using peppermint oils on the top of their abdomen in conjunction with my treatments.

• Inversions. Anything to get your booty/pelvis above your heart. If you are comfortable with handstands, then do them. If elevating your lower half with lots of pillows is more your style, then do it. Spinning Babies has a lot to offer.

• Open Mind. Have an open mind. Understand that maybe all of this stuff won’t work. Maybe your baby has a different agenda. Maybe there is something structural going on that you don’t even know about. Either way, all of these tools will only enhance your birth experience.

My point is this: Breech is not the end of the world or even the end of your dream birth. Breech is not a disease or sickness nor does it mean something is wrong with you or your baby. It is a presentation.

There numerous therapies and techniques used prior to birth and even during labor to help the woman maneuver her body and give birth safely to her baby.

Find doctors and therapists you love and trust. Build your DREAM TEAM!

- Lindsey


Complete the following 3 Rounds:

800m Run or 1K Row

10 Power Clean & Jerk


• This is easily a 18-25 minute workout and maybe longer. Think of it as a 5K or 10K.

• Pick a weight for the Clean and Jerks that you can do 4 in a row. It will most likely turn into ones and dropping/guiding the bar down from the top.

• Take your time, rest, and just find your pace for this workout.

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Start moving and training with your cycle ❤︎

Slow is Fast when you heal your core and pelvic floor from the inside out by starting with breath work, natural movement patterns, and continue to progressively build upon a solid foundation. The number one referral for doctors and midwives.

Are you open to conception? Join us in B! Community training. A general strength and conditioning for women that train while honoring their menstrual cycle. Everyone is in a different part of their journey, we support you where you are.

Do Pregnancy Different, when you connect with your body daily through a safe, effective prenatal training program for all levels and all fitness backgrounds that includes core and pelvic floor prehab, mobility, strength, and conditioning.

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